Sunday, February 21, 2010

Grandma was right: The value of "Thank You"

From a consulting client:

I was contacted by a book club that told me their library has “book kits” for book clubs, in which they have a bag that contains 10 books, reading guide questions and anything else pertinent to the book, and that their library is using my book for one of the book kits.

I promptly sent a hand-written thank you card to the head librarian. Today, I got an email asking me if I’d like to do a reading/signing at the library. They would publicize it in their newsletter that goes out to 6000 homes, as well as on their website. Never would have happened if I hadn’t sent the thank-you.


Bossy Betty said...

That is so great! (Grandma was right about a lot if things.)

Queen of the Road said...

Grandma AND Bella.

I'm proud to say I'm that client, and I've written many, many thank-yous.