Thursday, March 29, 2007

Colorado: All Weather, All the Time


Jenny playing her favorite game. I'm the pitcher.


My backyard.

P.S. The rain that was predicted all last weekend for the VaBook Festival didn't materialize. (Whew!) But in Denver it poured all day Saturday--the first time in many months. And like this morning's 6 inches of snow (which is still coming down), it wasn't forecast.


Christine Fletcher said...

Such enthusiasm and energy! If I was a Labrador, my entire office would be clean, the bills would be paid, and I'd have another novel written already -- and I'd still be up for a night of dancing.

Great video, Bella!
(and yay for The Heights, the Depths, and Everything in Between, over there on your recently-read list -- a seriously wonderful book!)

Bella Stander said...

Actually, Jenny's a mix of Australian shepherd (that's where the zippiness comes from) and Golden Retriever.