Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back in My Old Hometown Out East*

There are 8 million people in New York City and I've been trying to meet with all of them since getting here last Friday. It hasn't quite worked out; I've seen only about 7.9 million. But I still have another day and a half to go.

Seen on Saturday:

  • An Asian bride and groom in wedding finery posing for photos in front of a closed Metro-North ticket booth at Grand Central. I'm still trying to figure out why.
  • Two young women sitting on the stairs at Grand Central, behind signs reading "Sitting on stairs absolutely prohibited." Per Woody Guthrie, the other side of the signs didn't say nuthin' (i.e., a restaurant ad).
  • A man in a Che Guevara t-shirt singing "Amazing Grace" in the tunnel to the Times Square shuttle. I was tempted to stop and ask him about his competing messages.
  • Three hulking Heidis in the Times Square subway station. No one over age 12, or over 5' and 150 lbs should wear petticoats and knee socks.
  • A full-car subway advertisement for Westin Hotels. I thought someone had been sick on the seat, then I realized it had been dappled to resemble the forest floor.

*a nod to Damon Runyon


Erica Ridley said...

There are 8 million people in New York City and I've been trying to meet with all of them since getting here last Friday.

LOL. I'd love to live in NYC for a little while, but I recently purchased my first home, which more or less means I'm tethered to it for a few years. I'd like to at least get back out to NYC someday soon--I've only been in December, and it was sooo cold. (The christmas tree and the ice skating thing were cool, though.)

No one over age 12, or over 5' and 150 lbs should wear petticoats and knee socks.

Bwa ha haa. Sounds like a fun weekend! =)

Katie Alender said...

Oh, Erica and I read the same blogs! Hi, Erica!

The wedding couple in front of the ticket booth makes me think they must have met there or something.