Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanks from a Sweetheart

From Dianne Ochiltree:
Having been a published children's author for nearly ten years now, I've got a lot to be thankful for--mostly for the wonderful people I've met along the way. Although we all come to the business from a different angle, we all share a passion for the well-written word, the illustrated page and the children who ultimately read the fruits of our labor together.

I am thankful for the editors who have cared so intensely for my words that they wanted to publish them...and have cared so tenderly for my writer's ego along the way to publication.

I am thankful for the illustrators who have so brilliantly brought my words to life.

I am thankful for all the publicists, both in-house and independent, who have worked with me to help bring my books some attention in the marketplace. Your continuing support as cheerleaders, strategists and (sometimes) a professional shoulder to cry on, has helped me weather many a media storm.

I am thankful for the booksellers who have been so enthusiastic about my work that they have told others about it, or have invited me into their stores to share it with their customers.

I am thankful for the parents, librarians, teachers and kids who have taken the time to tell me that they love my characters.

I am thankful for my fellow authors and illustrators. I am grateful that we consider one another comrades-in-arms rather than competitors. I cherish my writer friends for their generously shared information, critiques, business advice, and more. No one understands the ups and downs of the writing life than another writer.

I am thankful for the internet, and the blossoming of blogs about writing and publishing. Thanks be for Bella, who has shared so much valuable insight and so many updates over the years!

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