Friday, April 11, 2008

Quote for the Day

“If you need a victory, you aren’t a fighter, you’re an opportunist.”

--Abe Osheroff, Lincoln Brigade veteran
They don't make 'em anymore like Abraham Osheroff, who died on April 6 at age 92.

Per his obituary in today's New York Times, he started out in Brownsville, Brooklyn, the child of Russian Jews--his mother a sweatshop seamstress, his father a carpenter. A lifelong troublemaker, Osheroff tried to burn down Erasmus Hall High School, organized industrial workers in Pennsylvania, fought for the Spanish Loyalists, got into a fistfight with Ernest Hemingway, joined and then quit the Communist Party, worked in Mississippi in the Freedom Summer of 1964, protested the Vietnam War, aided Nicaraguan leftists, and battled real estate developers in Venice, CA.

The quote above is from 2000, but it could have been said today about John McCain's (and others') stance on the Iraq war.

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