As you can see, Max lost no time in reclaiming his favorite spots as soon as I returned home. He couldn't care less that my right arm looks like a prop from "The Mummy." Neither does my dog Jenny, who quickly realized that all petting and ear-scratching were only going to come from my left side. (She runs away at the first click or flash, which is why there are so many more photos of Max.)
I am SOOO glad it's warm out, as the only garments that fit over all the wadding are tank tops, my silk kimono and Darling Husband's Hawaiian shirts. I wore one with 1940s pin-up girls on it to and from the hospital--which of course coordinated with my cotton-knit skirt and black slides. (I'm always ready for the Fashion Police.) However, the white compression stockings I was commanded to wear after surgery mucked up the ensemble.
P.S. Thanks for all the kind wishes! They greatly lift my spirits.
Glad to see you're home and recovering comfortably, Bella!
Oh Bella, it's so nice to see you all covered in kitty! I hope you're doing well!
Glad to see that Max is helping you recover. As a special treat for him, you might want to pick up a copy of my book (co-written with my human, Steve), The World Is Your Litter Box. The book is a humorous how-to manual for cats and will give Max lots of great new ideas. Steve is working to promote the book (since the publisher is doing very little), and is impressed with your blog. I'm sure he'll be a frequent visitor.
For more information about the book, including excerpts and reviews, please visit
Thanks, Quasi. Nice plug for your book, though the last thing Max needs is new ideas. He can go outside any time he wants, so hasn't used his litter box in months. Now he's making good use of the yard of finely shredded bark mulch I spread around the flower beds before my surgery.
Hi Bella,
Yes, I can never resist a chance to get in a shameless plug for my book whenever possible! Glad to hear the world, or at least your yard, is Max's litter box.
Hope your recovery continues to go well.
Your Friend,
Quasi (& Steve)
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